Román Belmonte, Professor and Biologist: “Screens are stealing our sleep, with 12-year-olds going to bed at 1 am”

The author of the blog ‘Where Monsters Live’ has written ‘A Pierna Suelta’, a didactic manual that aims to help parents understand why their children are not getting enough rest.

The Importance of Sleep

Belmonte, a professor and biologist, has converted his notes on sleep problems in his students into a book. He notes that society does not value sleep and that screens are robbing us of hours of sleep.

The Consequences of Lack of Sleep

According to Belmonte, the consequences of lack of sleep are severe, with children aged 2-14 losing 27 minutes of sleep per day. He also notes that almost 52% of primary school children go to class with chronic sleep deprivation.

The Impact on Adolescents

Adolescents, Belmonte notes, have a natural delay in their sleep phase, making them tend to sleep later and need to wake up later. He suggests that school schedules should be adjusted to accommodate this, with extracurricular activities starting earlier.

Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Belmonte offers several tips for a good night’s sleep, including reading before bed, which can reduce stress and promote relaxation. He also suggests leaving mobile phones in another room and establishing a consistent sleep schedule.

The Challenge of Reading in a Digital Age

Belmonte notes that reading is a relaxing exercise that can help promote sleep, but it is a challenge in a world where we are constantly distracted by screens. He suggests that we need to make time for reading and prioritize it over other activities.